3 Ingenious Foot Care Hacks For Diabetics

2 April 2015
 Categories: , Articles


When you have diabetes, your feet are at risk for complications due to reduced blood flow and potential nerve damage. Keeping your feet healthy and comfortable after being diagnosed as a diabetic can seem overwhelming at first, but it can actually be quite simple. Here are 3 super simple, ingenious hacks that can be used to keep your feet clean, dry, and feeling great both in and outside the home. 

1. Use Corn Cushions For Foot Wounds

Diabetics have a more difficult time noticing foot wounds than others, because they can't feel their feet as well. It's not uncommon for a diabetic individual to get a cut or abrasion on their foot and to not notice or feel it for several days, or until it becomes a real problem. If you notice a cut on your foot, it needs to be treated immediately in order to reduce the risk of complications. However, putting a Band-Aid on it simply won't do the trick.

You need to relieve pressure on the wound to keep it from getting bigger, and this can be done by simply cutting corn cushions to fit the wound. This keeps the wound from being aggravated during normal activities like walking, and allows the wound to heal naturally with less medical intervention. 

2. Use Cow Udder Cream For Cracked Skin 

There seem to be a million different types of lotions and ointments that are marketed for diabetic foot care, but many individuals have used them without much success. They also tend to be quite expensive, and many elderly patients on a fixed income are unable to afford them. A cheaper, and often more effective hack is to use cow udder cream! Balms, creams, and ointments that are designed to keep cow udders soft and supple during extensive daily milking can work wonders on the dry, cracked feet that diabetics often have.

Try applying udder cream to your clean, dry feet right before bed, and slip a pair of comfortable diabetic socks on afterwards. In the morning, you'll notice your feet are much softer! Udder cream can be found at almost any supermarket in the pharmacy section, or at your local farm and livestock store. 

3. Use Tea Tree Oil to Prevent Bacteria Growth 

Tea tree oil is well known to be both an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent. Many people use tea tree oil in their natural house cleaning solutions, or as a first aid remedy. Tea tree oil can be very helpful for diabetics who need to keep their feet clean, dry, and bacteria free. Tea tree oil also has anti-inflammatory effects, making it particularly useful for diabetics. A simple, once a day application of tea tree oil to the feet before putting on clean socks can help inhibit bacterial growth and can also speed the healing of diabetic foot ulcers. 

When to Contact a Podiatrist 

While the utilization of home remedies and hacks can make caring for diabetic feet easier, it's important that diabetics have a working relationship with an experienced podiatrist. A podiatrist clinic can help diabetics understand how to better care for their feet, and can provide prompt care for serious foot wounds in order to reduce the risk of complications. There are many procedures that a patient should not do themselves, such as removing calluses or treating gangrene. 

If you are diabetic, these ingenious hacks can help you better care for your feet at home. However, they don't replace the need to consult with a seasoned podiatrist regularly to keep your feet as healthy and comfortable as possible. Discuss your foot care with a podiatrist clinic today to ensure that you are on the right track to feet that look and feel great!