How Foot Pain Might Be Treated

28 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Did you purchase a new pair of choose with the hope that they will give you some relief from foot pain? If you didn't receive the results that you were hoping for, there might be more to your foot pain than you think. For example, it is possible that you might actually need to get your feet treated by a podiatrist. There are numerous conditions that can contribute to foot pain, so a thorough examination must be done to get to the root of the problem. In this article, discover some of the things that might be needed for you to get foot pain relief.

1. Allow the Inflammation in Your Feet to Go Down

Inflammation is the cause of numerous parts of the body experiencing pain. Sometimes the only thing that is needed for the pain to go away is for the inflammation to be reduced. When it comes to feet, it is possible that the soft tissues are inflamed from you walking, jogging, or running too much. All you have to do in such a case is rest your feet for a few days to see if the pain starts to go away. However, keep in mind that a podiatrist can also give you a prescription for reducing inflammation.

2. Start Wearing Shoes That Are Designed for Foot Pain

Although you bought new shoes and didn't see a reduction in foot pain, it doesn't mean that new shoes are not the solution to the problem. The type of shoes that you purchased might be the reason for the pain still being present. You might need to invest in customize shoes, such as ones that are recommended by a podiatrist. Orthotics are shoes that can be designed to contour to the curves of your specific feet. The shoes also have more cushioning to give the problematic areas of your feet some relieve from the strain of walking.

3. Find Out if You Need to Undergo Foot Surgery

If the inflammation in your feet does not go away, you might need to undergo surgery. The best way to find out is to ask a podiatrist like Advanced Foot & Ankle Centers of Illinois to look at your feet. He or she can also perform an x-ray on both of your feet to diagnose the problem. It is possible that there are damaged bones or tissue that need to be surgically repaired. The specific area of the pain is what will determine what might possibly be wrong.