Treatments That Might Help The Psoriasis On Your Feet

26 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog


If you have an itchy rash on your feet, your first thought may be that you have athlete's foot. However, another cause could be psoriasis. Some people with psoriasis get it on their feet. It is commonly on the soles of the feet, but it can be on the toes or top of the feet too. Psoriasis is a bothersome skin condition. Your skin can crack, become scaly, itch, and burn. It becomes uncomfortable to wear shoes and you might even have trouble walking. If you have a rash or scaly lesions on your feet, you should see a podiatrist for a diagnosis. These are some treatments you might try if you suffer from psoriasis.

Psoriasis Medications

Psoriasis can be treated with different types of medication. Some of them are topical creams you rub onto the lesions on your feet. Other drugs are taken orally or by injection. You may need to work with other medical professionals, depending on the extent of your condition. If you have lesions on your elbows, face, or other areas of your body, you might need treatment from a dermatologist. If you have psoriatic arthritis, which is a combination of psoriasis and arthritis, you may need to see a rheumatologist. You might be prescribed medication to slow down the production of skin cells so fewer lesions form. Other medications reduce inflammation. Topical treatments might be prescribed by your foot doctor to decrease itching and burning or to promote sloughing off the scaly lesions on your feet.

Foot Treatments

You can be miserable when psoriasis affects your feet, especially if you have to be on your feet all day at work. It's important to keep your feet as dry as possible, because if they are damp, the cracking and soreness from the lesions will get worse. You should choose socks made to pull dampness away from your feet and change them once or twice daily. Rotate the shoes you wear so they dry thoroughly before you put them on.

Your podiatrist can help you choose the right shoes to wear so you are comfortable when your psoriasis flares. You'll want roomy shoes so your feet don't rub at the sides or toes. However, the shoes need to support your feet well, so you should avoid open sandals unless they have good arch support. Your podiatrist may need to make custom inserts for your shoes to support and pad your toes or soles so you can wear shoes without being in too much discomfort.

Psoriasis can be difficult to manage sometimes, unless you find out what triggers it. Sometimes the cause can't be determined, but other times it might be caused by medications you're taking, a reaction to stress, or an injury, an infection, or genetics. Removing the trigger should help your condition, but if that can't be done, then medication and proper foot care may help make your psoriasis more manageable. For more information, contact a group such as East Village Foot & Ankle Surgeons.