Foot Problems That Runners Should Watch Out For

3 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog


You're a runner. By definition, you spend a lot of time on your feet, and the actions you take by running are quite hard on your feet. Foot health should be one of your top priorities since you cannot run your best with painful or injured feet. But what injuries and problems, specifically, should you be looking out for? Take a look.

Plantar Fasciitis

This condition is a swelling, soreness, and tightness in the plantar fascia, which is a band of connective tissues that runs along your arch, connecting your heel with the ball of your foot. The pain can be quite sharp and hard to ignore. It's usually most pronounced in the morning when you step out of bed, and it eases up as you're more active. At its onset, it may not even cause pain when you're running — only after. Plantar fasciitis can be caused or made worse by running in shoes with less arch support than you need and by running on too-hard surfaces. Most cases can be treated with rest, ice, compression bandages, and some stretching.

Metatarsal Stress Fractures

The metatarsal bones are the bones that form your forefoot. They are put under strain with every stride you take. Sometimes, one will break due to this ongoing stress, and that break is known as a stress fracture. It usually causes soreness throughout the forefoot, but that soreness is most pronounced if you push on the area immediately surrounding the break. Metatarsal stress fractures require rest to heal. Your podiatrist may have you wear a protective boot for a few weeks, too. As you slowly return to running, wearing more supportive shoes and running on softer surfaces should help prevent the injury from recurring.

Achilles Tend0nitis

The Achilles tendon is that large tendon that runs down the back of your ankle. It can become painful and swollen due to overuse. If this occurs, it is really important to take some time off and rest, or else the soreness can worsen into a torn tendon, which really needs to be surgically repaired. The good news is that if you really focus on stretching your calves and increasing your mileage slowly, you can typically keep Achilles tendonitis under control.

If you can keep your eyes peeled for the three foot problems above, you'll be able to catch them and treat them early. As a runner, your feet are under pressure, but they don't have to cave to that pressure and neither do you.

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